Aarhus University Seal

Funding opportunities within Uses of the Past 2018

The Faculty research program Uses of the Past encourages members of the program to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation and develop new projects on uses of the past with partners from other national and international institutions.

This call includes support for the following activities in 2018:

1.     Workshops with local and external partners to prepare new initiatives within teaching or research (max. 15,000 DKK)

2.     Support for the preparation of applications for national or international grants (max 15,000 DKK)

3.     Other collective activities related to uses of the past (max. 10,000 DKK)


Applications must be max. 1 page + budget. Deadline for applications is September 19 2018.

Please send applications to coordinator of the program Anne Brædder (anne.braedder@cas.au.dk).